Relation / Relationship

I cannot speak for anyone else; I am neither an anthropologist nor a mind reader. I cannot live another person's experience; but I can relate to my own. Maybe my view is shared, maybe it is already realized by many, or by none, but I will try my best to put it in black and white on this backlit screen. 

There is not one relationship pattern, but many that co-exist simultaneously; therefore, one size cannot fit all. There are common factors, and great differences. No two relationships are, or will ever be the same, just as no two people are, or will ever be the same. This may seem absurdly obvious, yet there are times when I have fallen into the trap (and witnessed others fall into the trap) of trying to apply the same principles to different relationships. What makes this even more absurd is that these models may also play out in different times, times in the life, let's say; when clearly, we have changed our internal and external landscapes, or life has changed them for us. As we evolve, grow, change, or simply as each moment is lived, each experience experienced, we become augmented by new information, new designs, new opportunity; if we remain aware of these events, and do not just shrug them off and continue our life in the same old pattern, running around in our groove like a record that has a scratch at a particular place on the surface. 

In this I find an interesting note to observe, that there is a possibility and innate potential to not only resist change, and our self-perception changing, but to operate on a kind of autopilot mechanism. This provides some familiarity but does not provide any update to the basic operating system that we are running. Certain patterns becomes stuck at whatever point they became stuck, so to speak. Human relationships are complex and also evolving, or that has been my experience. We, or I, have strong bonds with other people, and interact differently with each and every person that is in our lives. To me, this would seem to be the essence of relationship, that recognition of individuality with which we treat each and every individual. How could we possibly have a relationship with anyone that we treated exactly as we treat another person. This does not take into account who that particular person is, it does not see them, does not hear them, and does not ask them to reveal who they are; at this level of superficiality they would seem to be just another character in the story of our life. Each individual brings a different perspective and energy to a situation, to a relation, to a relationship. In basic terms, we may have circles, like loved ones, family, friends, acquaintances, etc., and within that framework different relations with each member of each group. Therefore, we treat each differently, depending on who they are, who we are in relation with them, and the depth of our relationship with them. That is why relationships are moving things; we move, we breathe, we deepen, or not. This is also part of the problem with relationships, that they can also become stuck in a place that is not embracing of change, established in patterns and points of view that hinder the progress that is inevitable if they are to flourish. 

As individuals are individual, the relationship between each is also individual. I do not have the same relationship with a friend that I do with another friend, even less so a friend with a partner, or a present partner with an old partner or family member. I may love them all, but also that word simplifies the expression of love that is appropriate to each one in the equation. As I mentioned, this may be painfully and laughably obvious to most, but I honour the fact that today it has decided to be the topic of my musing.  

Personally, I enjoy the many different layers of relationships that I have in my life and am fascinated by the complexity of them (although I do not particularly enjoy 'complex' relationships). I am fascinated by the place that we meet, how that intersection of the two bubbles (imagine Venn diagram) shifts and provides our meeting space. Verbal, physical, energetic, experiential, the space between us, and what we allow into that space, and how that space expands and contracts over time, and with experience. How that space can deepen as trust deepens, or not, how the space provides us with our place to dance, to explore, and also provides us the opportunity to step back into the space behind where we meet from time to time, or when we part. As relationships grow, or time passes, we step, again and again, into that space in which we meet to dance again, to meet again, it is our shared space.  

This, for me, is one of the most beautiful images of relationship, and maybe I am insane for imagining them this way, but I see two circles, me and the other, and that space in which we come together to meet. I see us both as whole. I do not subscribe to the point of view that says that when we meet, we become one, our circles perfectly overlapping each other, or engulfing one another, and even less do I subscribe to the notion that one should or will swallow the other; or complete the other.  

The space we inhabit together may expand and cover more mutual ground over time, but this is the key, over time. Usually, for me, there is a space that is perfect for meeting, and this depends on the individual relation. We dance, we get to know, we move what needs to be moved so we can dance together in this space. In this space we respect our boundaries, our self, and we explore that which is happening between us, but it does not become us. If we overstep the boundaries, or our boundaries are overstepped, we can step back, breathe, shake it off, think about it, and take some time. Human relationships - as are most relationships - are often defined by boundaries, or lack of them in some cases. Some may say we are being guarded or playing it safe; that boundaries are not necessary (in the age of Aquarius), but I am not one of these people. I think many have experienced the sense of having boundaries broken, having the mark overstepped by someone. I use as a simple example an interaction that occurred yesterday.  

A man and his wife came to an event I am involved with. I spoke with them briefly and the subject of guitars came up. The lady spoke of her guitar collection and asked me what guitar I played. When I told her, the man excitedly asked if he could play my guitar. It may sound simple, but I felt that I did not know him, not even his name, who they were, where they came from, how they may treat the guitar, I ummed and ahhed and said that I prefer not.  

Now, some may say that this was closed of me, but I would not go to a gig and go straight up to the performer and ask if I could play his guitar. In that context it seems even more simple. Quite simply, we did not have the relationship that allowed me to respond in a positive way to his request. We had no relationship, and my relationship with my guitar, protecting her, and taking care of her took precedence. I hope that is clear and not too confusing, but it highlights the intricacy of these things (maybe only in my mind or life).  

With some person I may share my guitar, with another I may not. It depends on the relationship I have with them, based on who I am, and who they are, and how we are in relation. With one friend I may shake their hand, with another I may hug them, there could be several different factors for this, and either case may not imply that I care for one 'more' than another. A more recent friend may have different knowledge of me than a relationship that has been established for some time but in which the contact has not been so close. With some I may be comfortable to share certain personal information, with others, other personal information. It's black and white, plain to see, that one is not the same with everyone, so why sometimes do others insist that we are, or we insist that others are with us?  

So, please excuse me if I treat you as an individual, as your own specific entity, and am truly interested in who you are, not based my perceptions or projections of you. Excuse me if I wish to explore a unique relationship with you, that is not one of generic and homogenized qualities. Please excuse me if I do not want to quickly categorize you and see which box you fit into. Please excuse me if I treat you differently than I do someone else. Please excuse me if I take my time to get to know you, to create a space between us that is unique to us, that respects your individuality and experience as much as mine, that cares for laying down solid foundations for a relationship that lasts, deepens and grows, that allows for maturity and maturation to take place. Please excuse me if I cannot immediately have the relationship with you that you may believe you want to have with me, this for me is not real, this is fantasy, and I will not swim in those waters with you. Please excuse me if I do not wish to dance with you, maybe it is not that time, and please excuse me if I test your patience, it's a skill of mine, and a lesson we both need to learn. So, please excuse me if I seem aloof, chances are I do not know you well yet and am taking my time to discern how to move in this dynamic, with this dynamic. I can guarantee it will be worth the wait, but I only have a short life and am only willing to spend my time with people who can see and know that. Please excuse me if I do not play out previous relationship patterns with you, not mine, not yours; this does not excite me or interest me, I am interested in what is and what can be. Please excuse me if I accidentally or unconsciously fall into these patterns, I ask you to help me recognize them so that I may free us both from the burden of the past and welcome each other into the presence of the present moment with each other. Please excuse me if I am far more interested in who you are than who you were, what are your dreams and desires than what you have already done, while respecting all that has been for you. Please excuse me if I do not believe either of us is a fixed entity, a permanent point in time and space. Please excuse me if I seem different from day to day, it's because in some ways I am (as we all are). Please excuse me if I choose to have a unique relationship with you. Also, please excuse me if I choose not to have a relationship with you, I do at the same time realize and recognize that this is also a form of relationship ... and one we can both learn from............. 


An encounter with a Troll.

There are some people in this world that love to hate. It's a fact. And a fact that has affected my life somewhat strongly. These characters can be forgiven as they cannot understand what they do is not right behavior, they are the wildcards that truly understand nothing of love, and the nature of love. Maybe they love to believe they do, but really, love is not a synonym for drama. Love is freedom, love is unconditional, but hate - and haters - rely on conditions, constraints, chains to bind others; as a spider catches a fly, they seek to catch others in their web, and are in turn forced to live in their own web of strong silky strands of confusion and delusion, and maybe no small amount of illusion. 

Recently a hater popped up into my life, a troll, who had nothing better to do than have a good look at my Facebook page, decide they didn’t like what I shared, or others shared, or my photos, and they began sending me hate messages. I did not see them at first as they were filtered into a 'special section' of Facebook, but then I saw them, read them, and saw them for what they were. They were pure boredom and hatred looking for an outlet, and I was that outlet. Needless to say, they shocked me, upset me, and I was taken aback that this could happen, not only in the physical world of 'reality' (or what part of that Facebook represents), but to the extent that this happens in someone's mind. It truly never ceases to amaze me when I am gifted this level of insight into the mind of another being. 

This degree of distortion that lashes out for no reason, that seeks to hurt another is perverse and perverted... and yet, I recognize this is a part of the world we live in, internet abuse, virtual attacks, boundary-crossing bullying behavior - and not to mention this word that we have all heard, TROLLING. Having experienced a tiny facet of the topic, I empathise with those who suffer so. I was the victim of a TROLL, someone with nothing better to do with their time than take issue with me and my representation of my life. I received many messages of hate, accusing me of things I had not done, of being someone I was not. I would have liked to believe that they had the wrong man, but there can be no excuse for this behavior even if I were the wrong person and it a simple mistake. This was not mature and rational dialogue - this was pure psychosis fueled by whatever they imagined had taken place. 

I recognize this behavior exists - and yes, it was suggested to me that I block this person, and so I did, but a part of me wished to understand more what prompted this attack, for surely no one likes to think they have accidentally offended someone. But, as I read the messages, I could see there was no way for me resolve this. If it had been a friend, or what purports to be a 'friend' in this modern age, then maybe it would have been worth the time and the investigation, but sadly, this person was no friend of mine, only of some other 'friends' of mine. So, I looked again at who these other 'friends' were, and yes, I saw that I did not really know them either, nor they me. So, more deletions, fewer 'friends' for me. 

But I see this happening a lot in the world, we are over-crowded and we are bound to strange concepts of friendship these days.  

In this formation, or constellation, there seems to be a peculiar disrespect for the other, for the other's space, for the other's lives, and we can be held responsible for this as we invite these barely known characters into our 'lives' or what we share on social media. What they then do with this is questionable. For me, I do not spend time looking through other people's pages and evaluating them, judging them, and reacting to them. I do not feel a right or the privilege to put my 2 cents worth of opinion into their personal posts or to interact with or 'check out' and judge (read 'stalk') their personal friends. I do not form an emotional response because they posted something, or didn’t post something, like something or not like something, and I do not take my non-existent emotional response to their page or send them messages that smack of contempt and hate to get MY point across as if MY version of 'reality' was more important or real than theirs. This is their business, not mine, as mine is also mine. In this I see that we live in a world of questionable boundaries, and many in the so-called spiritual communities also fall victim here, to others and themselves. Some may say that there should be no boundaries, but most of us with half a brain recognize the need for boundaries in our lives. Without boundaries we are not held, yet in some ways, as I discovered through my interaction with this troll, sometimes our boundaries become grey areas to us. 

It is an interesting topic for me, as in my life I have experienced many times when my boundaries were crossed, and the aftermath of this. Sometimes it is easy to reset the balance, others not so easy. When someone habitually disrespects us and our boundaries, we cannot do nothing, even if we love them like a brother or a sister. The truth, (or my truth, for there are many versions of the truth) is that there simply people out there who do not respect others, their privacy, their life, their boundaries, their space, physically, emotionally, or energetically. They are ego-freaks, attention seekers, energy vampires, people lost in the delusions of their own ego and self-importance. Usually they invade space, take what they think they want or need, and leave again, until the next time they need to be seen. In relationship terms this is somewhat similar to the narcissist, but let's forget labels for a moment and take a deeper look. 

What in this world makes someone lash out? Quite simply, it is mismanaged emotions. Generally, we all have emotions, and the way that we deal with them is our responsibility. I speak for myself when I say sometimes it is easier than others, especially when dealing with others. There are times I mismanage my emotions, there are times I do reasonably well in managing them.  

By the use of the word 'managing' I do not mean repressing, suppressing, or ignoring; simply being aware and in control of them (control also not being a 'bad' word here) rather than them being in control of me. Of course, there are sometimes slip-ups, but this is a responsibility we have to ourselves and others - to make sure our mismanaged emotions do not spill over and cause damage or harm to others, the world, etcetera. For sure, as our consciousness rises and falls, as it does quite naturally every day, week, month, we are more inclined towards caring or not caring. At a high point we may pick up the garbage we see on the street we are walking down, at a low point we may not even see it, totally consumed in our own world or the fraction that is represented at this point. In interpersonal relations, it is also good to remember we are not emotional recycling centers or dumping grounds for other people's trash, nor they for ours, but there are some that do not see it this way, and I believe we have probably all met them.  

The degree of awareness we can bring allows us the fraction of a second (and it may only be a fraction) that is needed to choose a course of action that will not be destructive. In this moment maybe it is good to breathe (at risk of sounding a little hippie)? For some, there may never be that moment. Take for instance the effect of alcohol on text messaging, or drunken phone calls. It's just an example, but it shows also that in this modern world we more often than not have access to some method of communication on us at all times, or available to us. So, then someone decides to imprint themselves into our lives by way of hate messaging when there is no need, and no reason. This, to me, is sad and a poor use of technology and speaks little of the true heart.  

But this is aside the point a little. When I was a young man the subject of STALKING came to public consciousness. This is just before the era of Facebook and mobile phones although I know it still exists today in even more insidious forms. The stalker would become obsessed and place him or herself close to the object of their love or hate (in alternating polarities, many times flipping from one to the other). As a quite well-known musician in a small town, I attracted a stalker, someone who decided they loved me, admired me, and then set about following me. They were there at every gig, every after party. At first it seemed innocent, then it got worse. Eventually, they were outside my house, sometimes inside my house. And yes, I recognize this is a mild case. Eventually this was resolved, but in many cases not so painlessly. I know several people of my generation who were subjected to worse. A year or so after my own 'stalker', the ex-boyfriend of my housemate turned into a fully-fledged stalker. He would break into our house, smash things, steal things, wreck the place, defecate or urinate on her bed. One night he held me hostage in my own house after breaking in, threatening to kill me, kill her. As he was a psychotic cocaine filled giant, there was little I could do but do whatever he asked me to do, which mostly was reassure him I was not sleeping with his ex-girlfriend 100 times and playing my guitar to appease him. Luckily, after a few hours, after hearing his ranting, the neighbours called the police and I was rescued. Again, there are many cases far worse than this of someone out of control with no sense of boundaries or way to handle their responses to situations. 

More mild cases of mismanaged emotions which lead to obsessive behavior patterns would be the partner who is possessive, who demands to know what you are doing at all time, suspicious by nature, and unable to determine truth from lie, or what is appropriate. They are the inquisitor. There is so much distrust in the world. With Facebook and social media and the way we use our technology, the stalker has turned into the TROLL. They are safe to live in their own space and pop out and invade the space of others. They care little for the damage they cause and feel safe and protected to do so. With my TROLL the only option is to block them. I cannot report them, and even if I could, what would be the point, one isolated incident or person is a drop in the ocean of the extent that it is happening these days. I am sure so many of us have some story that is similar. To elaborate, this TROLL must have seen my page through the page of one of our 'mutual friends' and decided to 'look at' my profile, investigate it, research who I was, what I did, and then launch his attack. Perverse is not the word for this. There are simply some people who cannot mind their own business or keep their nose out of the business of others. 

And so, we move and learn; the key for me was in boundaries and the permeable nature of them sometimes and in some ways. That this is not an isolated incident allows me to spend this morning reflecting on this topic and sharing my thoughts and reflections. In many cases it is those to whom we let our defenses down that can cause us the most severe harm, whether it is intentional or unintentional. I would love to operate in the world believing the best in people, and in a world where such behavior did not exist, but my truth is that there are 7 billion people in the world all with their own operating system and system of 'beliefs' that allows them to behave exactly as they want and that can justify and find an excuse for any type of behavior no matter how irrational. This is just the way it is. Many these days live in their own bubble, defend their bubble, and attack the bubble of others. Simply tragic. 

A couple of years ago, I accidentally disturbed a monster living inside my best friend at the time. He felt his bubble of false security and falsehood was threatened by me, he became jealous and became violent, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. He became unpleasant to be around and nasty to everyone. He belittled everybody he spoke about, even his friends, his justification being he was hurt as a child by his father who didn’t love him or care for him properly (he was a 38-year-old adult at the time). He also justified his obnoxious behavior because he had broken up with his girlfriend. Truth is, he couldn’t handle himself or his emotions of jealousy, insecurity and the pure vein of hatred that circumstance had dealt him, so he became a channel for hate instead of what he could potentially muster. Prior to this he was hidden behind the mask of being a healer at a new age spiritual retreat, and it gave him some space to hide and not have to reveal or work on himself too deeply. In the end, his behavior turned from nasty and unpleasant into an attempt to end my life. In this case I was hurt, and I removed myself from the equation rather than retaliate, and nowadays have no more contact with him.  

This was a case of what I had believed to be a true friend, someone to whom I had very little boundary, and he used it to hurt and harm my life, and those of those I love. His actions had serious consequences for my life and the health and life of my father who died not long after this prolonged attack. Somehow, with no boundary, this friend knew where to hurt me, and wasted no effort in doing so. So, I learned another lesson in the management of boundaries and of friendship, and of the power of our emotions. 

For some time I have believed that all these stories were to be forgotten and not shared, buried and moved on from, but for some reason, this incidence of TROLLING has brought them to the mind and in application of how to deal with them, and how I can learn from them. In the same way, a typical reaction of mine might be to disappear from these forms of social media, but this is also not the way. The bully requires the victim to back down, to give in; like the territorial spraying of a cat, in the manner society sprays us continually with its own vile urine. The fact that some people choose to act in this way is not representative of us as a species, not who we are. It is a symptom of a sick society that knows no other way as yet to deal with the sickness, yet the cure is out there, or in there, as the case may be. 

It is a sad state when our 'friends' or those that we suppose to love us also harbor hatred and jealousy towards us. It's even more saddening when such people try to control us or manipulate us to satisfy their own egoic agenda. It is bad enough that we have to deal with the societal and educational structures doing the same to us without having to deal with those to whom we are connected, either intimately or vaguely, doing the same. It's no wonder I have always felt so comfortable in the jungles of the world, disconnected from the mind of this sick society and the sick minds it has created, yet I realise that there is no way forwards but to stand my ground in the world with the intention of making it a better place for us all to inhabit, in unity and in diversity. In the same way a child has to learn to stand up to the bully in the playground, so we must defend our sacred spaces in the adult world. It would appear, by all reckoning, that bullies are those that were bullied, but this is not always the case, sometimes these bullies just know no other way. They are trapped in an operating pattern of the ego that gives them the right to behave in such a manner. When this is applied in spiritual circles the twist is even more perverse; many self-appointed 'spiritual teachers' and 'gurus' believing in their right to be an asshole 'for your own benefit'.  

It is beyond belief that this method of 'teaching' can be used on humans, yet in the same ways some would push the nose of a dog in its own shit to teach it a lesson, so the false teachers believe themselves to be able to do the same. It is not teaching: it is training, and we are not dogs. We see these methods applied all the time by our society, by the advertising and film industries, we see it all around us and I think it is time to say no, I do not want to be trained, I do not want to be shamed, I do not want to be invaded or manipulated, or belittled, by a society that does not care for me, or by people who believe themselves to be beyond account. This is a big problem in the so-called 'spiritual' world, even more than in the 'real' world. This lack of accountability is rife, as God is my witness. In the 'real' world there is some degree of accountability. In the spiritual there is almost none. No-one above to take the case to. In many cases, the 'spiritual teacher' is a lone operator, a lone business person for whom whatever happens, 'happens for a reason', it is never their fault if someone is hurt by them, their ego cannot let them see they are accountable or responsible for the damage they do. We see this in the big religions, we see it in the 'gurus' of the new age, and of the old age. They have not broken from the pattern of a teacher as being an omnipotent being. 

This educational method is outdated. Domination, bullying and shaming belong in the past. Coercion and manipulation belong in the past. Anger and violence belong in the past, not in the schools of learning of today. In my years as a teacher I learned which ways elicit a positive response and those that are cruel. My own education provided me with these reference points also, as I am sure yours did too. So, do we perpetuate this, or call an end to it? Sadly, in all walks of life intimidation is a tactic used against individuals, and an effective one; it is a method of domination in which MY will is more important or valid than the will of the other. Abusive partners use it against the weaker one (or use it to make the other INTO the weaker one) in order to gain and hold control, abusive teachers use it against the children entrusted into their care, society uses it against the citizens it is supposed to care for, and sometimes we find it coming at us from the most unexpected angles, be it a random guy in Peru who decides to TROLL me for some reason only known to himself, or a good friend who really knows nothing about love. Love was, is, and always will be the opposite of most of what is called love by us humans. We love, we love to hate and love and hate and love - or use the word when it suits our needs and forget about it when it doesn’t.  

This is just as much a paradox as many of the other words we use. Our system of living encourages the misuse and misunderstanding of these words, each choosing what they will, believing they understand the concept and never really analyzing what it truly means. We are 7 billion people all interpreting our reality through our filters, and believing what we see to be THE truth, and in some cases, the ONLY TRUTH, and again, God (or the 100,000 Hindu Gods) forbid your truth does not agree with MY truth, or there will be hell to pay, literally and figuratively.  

While many of the behaviours that we exhibit as a species are noble and selfless, mature and wise, many are also childish and selfish, and I see this regularly enough to be reminded that we have two options, evolution or devolution (in reality there is only one option if we are to survive and live a meaningful life). The world does not need to be bringing up adolescent adults, i.e 40 / 50 year old adults who are in no better control of their emotions than a 15 year old (in many cases the 15 year old is more mature these days), the world needs mature adults in these times. For this there can be no excuse. I often reflect on what the older generations would think of us, and of our modern world. When I experience myself regressing I (when I remember) remind myself to recall my ancestors and ask them to help me bring my behavior back into line. They would not have tolerated things that we take for granted as part of our lives, and behavior we accept both from ourselves and others. It is a useful tool for me, and I feel held in the strength of moral and ethical integrity in my lineage. Regardless of that, I ask myself "Am I proud to behave this way?", "Would they be proud of me if they saw me regressing into a pouting teenager at the age of 40 or more?", "What would they do in my situation?". It's a good reflection to be able to truthfully assess where we are, to admit where we are – or where we are not – in order not to delude ourselves on which ground we stand, for only from there can we move forwards. 

In this day and age, we are simultaneously connected and disconnected, and can be adrift somewhat in our stories, our dramas and our lives. We are distracted and saturated with information to the extent that we no longer know to tell what is truth from what is untruth, or who we are and what we believe. We flit from one thing to another consuming information that reinforces our position as to who we believe ourselves to be, and that can be really positive, but it can also feed a narcissistic ego that has a nasty streak. Sadly, the despotic character exists in us all, and we see it play out in many ways. Carlos Castaneda called it the 'petty tyrant', that exists in us and outside of us; sometimes we walk away, sometimes we challenge, sometimes it is the other, sometimes it is ourselves playing the character.  

So, to wrap this up for today; that the world is a strange place is no surprise, that haters exist is no surprise, but came as a surprise for me to be the target of this (again, which should have been no surprise). It has given me some good food for thought and maybe it will give you some too, I thank you for taking the time to read my mind. At times it seems that there is little hope for our species and others I feel such hope, such love that I know it will all be good; but only if I do my part to make it a better place for those that come after me. I may or may not one day have my own children, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care for yours or the children of the haters, as much as I love this planet and the old way of living I see the only course to take is action today, to be in service of love and evolution, and the fastest way we can evolve as a species is through our mind, but by understanding it, not falling into the traps, stories and the dramas, the tricks and the old ways that were ingrained so deeply. I know we are the generations that are a bridge between these times, and in spiritual speak "we are the ones", and "these times are the most important", but this is not true, all generations are bridges between what has come before and what will follow, each has its own peculiar challenges and markers of the era, there is no time more important than any other, and everyone was, is, and always and forever will be the 'one'. To believe otherwise is pure egotism and truly a symptom of much of the disease of our times, even if it manifests as a spiritual disease (which IS the root disease of our time).  

I know we would love to believe it, but if we drop this notion for a short time we will find our space in the great cycle of life and do our part, not because it is US who are important, but because WE ARE ALL as important - no less or more - as those who will come or those who came before. If we can get over ourselves and our stories long enough, we will see that which connects us to all that has gone before, and all that inhabits the space we share. Yet, to believe we can do anything when acting from the illusion of an I that does not yet understand that there is a higher purpose and a bigger picture, especially whilst believing we do, is like trying to extinguish a fire with gasoline. The absolute best way to be of service to ourselves and the many species that share this world with us is to finally heal the sickness of the mind, and then work out what to do with it. 

The Emotional World and Weapons of War

The school which I attended from the age of 11 to the age of 18, in addition to being one of the most prestigious boarding schools in Great Britain (I won't enter into that particular subject here), was also a military training and grooming academy for the British Armed Forces. One afternoon per week was dedicated to things of this nature. By the age of 16, I was well trained in marching, shooting, camouflage, communications etc. and had developed an aversion to certain aspects of this ritual and decided to exaggerate the effects of a knee injury in the hope of being allowed to leave the cadet force. This would have allowed me to spend an afternoon a week doing social service of some kind, such as visiting the elderly in old person's homes, something which I considered favourable to marching drills and other such activities. 

My ruse was easily seen through by the officer in charge and he assigned me to the Stores and the Armoury where the firearms, ammunition and other equipment was kept. I will mention that this officer knew me quite well and had been keeping an eye on me for several years due to my competence at certain activities and saw potential for me in a particular branch of the British Army in the future. As it turned out, his foresight changed my relation and taught me many things. Responsibility, discipline of maintaining the order of the stores, checking valuable items in and out, bookkeeping, etc. After a short time, I was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and given the specific detail of taking care of the firearms, mostly rifles and semi-automatic weapons. This part of the job I enjoyed greatly, caring for the guns, stripping and cleaning them, signing them in and out, and making sure they were all in good working order so they did not jam or backfire, as most of the time we used live ammunition in the shooting range, occasionally using blanks on drills and military maneuvers. 

At the age of 17 I was entered into the scholarship programme for the Royal Marines, an elite division of the British Armed Forces, and accepted into their officer training programme. However, I declined the offer and chose a different path, much to my father's disappointment. 

In our lives, the majority of us do not have much contact with guns, rifles, etc., and there is a fear and resentment of them in many circles and cases. Me, I respect them and their power to protect and to destroy. I was taught this, and a natural love of precision drew me to enjoy shooting as a boy and young man. I do not find firearms scare me, but I do find some people scare me, or induce fear in me, maybe I should say. There has only been one occasion in my adult life when a firearm has been turned on me; and in this moment I was scared, but not of the weapon (a pistol) itself, but of the deranged mind and actions of the person holding it to my face. (I have just realized there was one other occasion, back in my early 20's when a certain man wanted to become the manager of my band and I said no; but it's the same result; I was not afraid of his shotgun but of his irrationality, the kind that tries to dominate by force or threat in order to submit another to their will. This, for me, is the true weapon that repulses, harms and kills, maybe not the body, but certainly the spirit). 

This leads me nicely to my point in all this reminiscing. Our words and emotions become the battleground on which life can be fought, between certain individuals at least. Mismanaged emotions destroy lives, relations, relationships, many things; they birth scenarios that are beyond comprehension. No matter how 'conscious' we believe ourselves to be, or how 'good' we think we are, if our emotions regularly overflow and cause harm to another, we are more dangerous than any firearm. If this is combined with a desire - however unconscious - to control, dominate, manipulate another into doing what we want, we are using fear and violence as our weapons. Coercion and threat are staple tactics of the dominant paradigm, and sadly so ingrained in the collective psyche that many who believe themselves to be liberated of these are simply in denial of their own operating system. Conversely, flattery and exaggerated behavior is also a part of this very same system. 

The most dangerous weapon in this world, it would seem, would be the emotions and how they are used. Take, for instance, a 'love' relationship that comes with so many conditions that is cannot be truly called love. "I love you, but I am going to control you, bully you and belittle you" is not love; and in many cases is justified by the excuse that "I am doing it for your own good". This is not only a degrading form of abuse; it is also an exhibition of narcissistic behavior and a superiority complex in operation. In this case, it is also an abuse of language, as love (without inverted commas) is never violent, superior, never conditional nor controlling. Our emotions - and the language we use - say a lot, but generally it is in our behavior in relation to these that the essence can be found. 

Someone once justified an extremely violent and unpleasant outburst directed at me by saying, "Spirit told me to do this". I don’t believe for one second that they made that up, in their own warped version of reality or mind; but the whole incident, the outburst and all that preceded it, was manufactured within their ocean of emotions. Instead of choosing a healthy way to express what they believed they needed, or what they believed they wanted to express, they chose anger, manipulation, non-sense, and defamation, plus several other tactics and mental inventions of what I was supposed to have done. Even if I had done something of the nature of what they accused me of, then this still would not have been the way to go about resolving or expressing this in an adult manner. All in all, an emotional bomb was ready and primed to explode at the right opportunity.  

I witness this a lot, the emotional responses to certain stimuli, real - or more often than not - imagined. It's an interesting theme for me at the moment, as I respect the emotions, both mine and those of others, and their power to destroy; just as I respect firearms. I find it more difficult however, to respect those who do not respect their own emotions or how they impact the lives of others. In the same way we have to learn to take care of a firearm, e.g. learn what it is, how it works, how to clean it etc., we have to learn this with our emotions as well. Our emotions are not our weapons, nor should they be in control of us; they are our responsibility, and by acknowledging and respecting their power, it is our responsibility to ensure that they do not become weapons that hurt those we claim to love, or those who are kind enough to share a part of our lives. A major part of this comes down to blame; how we blame others. In any case, the majority of emotional outburst directly effect those closest to us by default, and violence creates fear. In no way do I imagine or expect to live in a world in which emotions do not exist, but I do imagine and expect a world in which adults have taken the responsibility to manage their emotions in a healthy and productive way.  

I once had a very close friend who was in a relationship with an extremely 'emotional' woman. Whenever his partner would become angry (usually with him), hostile and manipulative, he would struggle until her mood swung back (more often than not to the other end of the spectrum). When he tried to bring balance and peace into their relationship, she would excuse her behavior on "being a woman", or "being a wild woman", and it being her right to be emotional. She would turn on him and blame him for not "being man enough" to handle her and her emotions, but the truth was that he was man enough; she was the one who could not handle her emotions. In the end, she broke his spirit and despite his love for her, he chose to leave her, tired of living in an emotional hell and living in ever-increasing fear of the next unexpected tantrum, the next outburst prompted by what happened only in her mind, things that were, inevitably, his fault, and her right to express in whatever way she desired: exhausted by having to placate and appease her every whim and a little bit broken himself, in my opinion, by being told what to do and who he had to be. It took him quite a long time to even see that is was not his fault for not being "man enough" for her, to see that she did not truly respect him or their relationship. All in all, he was emotionally drained and abused. I suppose, in relation to firearms, he was wounded; not fatally, but he needed a long time to recover from the trauma of this relationship. The sad fact was that I witnessed these outbursts from time to time when I would be visiting with them, I saw and heard how she would barrage him with her emotional wrath, and when he tried to calm her down, or talk sense to her, she would become even more angry, as if it were her right to do so, as she was a woman, and he was a man, therefore guilty of trying to repress her femininity. This was ridiculous to see and hear, as it had nothing to do with masculine or feminine, solely to do with the mind and emotions, whether male or female. But I have also had this card used against me, and heard and seen it in other relations too...I think it's time to rewrite this story and stop using excuses. 

I think that if we look for it, we can always find some justification for our behavior and our emotional responses on the outside, it is pretty easy to do; in the lives of others, or in our past. I know many people who cannot break the pattern of blaming everyone else but themselves for everything that happens in their lives, and consequently, their emotional world. And if we look hard enough, we will always find that excuse which justifies our behavior, without ever having to take responsibility for our own emotional health and well-being. While attached to these stories in an unhealthy way we will perpetuate the loop inside of us and outside of us, never freeing ourselves, and convincing ourselves that we are already free. Instead of creating healthy emotional patterns we will reinforce the unhealthy ones, excusing ourselves of taking the responsibility by saying, "It's who I am, accept me, or else" (this in itself being a direct threat). We will deny ourselves the potential for change and the creation of a healthy relationship with ourselves and others in the process. Toxic emotions and toxic behavior go hand in hand, and it's not hard to see why; but today, more often than not, the most toxic behaviors are excused and the most toxic people barely recognize that they are toxic or that there could be another way. 

I insist, there will always be another way, and that way lies in our emotional world and how we use our emotions, how we choose to experience them and express them; how we turn a negative emotion into a positive one, often with something as simple as a shift in perception of point of view. 

For the past few months I have been researching Narcicisstic Personality Disorder, and recently read an article that states that amongst other traits, a sense of superiority is exhibited (which usually involves talking other people down or trying to submit others to your point of view by threat, manipulation, confusion, and also with a lack of empathy, the ability to put ourselves in the shoes or position of another, to be able to see from another person's point of view. This is the dominant system encapsulated in human form, a design in which judgement and violence are rife. It is interesting to note how many supposedly "spiritual" people are still violent to those with whom them share their lives. So, you want to be vegan and avoid cruelty to animals, but are incapable of being consistently pleasant to humans, this is just spiritual bypassing and hypocrisy of the most childish disorder, its' also playing on the illusion of the lie of how you want to be seen, not representing who you truly are. I am not talking of the narcissism that obsesses how many "likes" we get on Facebook, or is constantly shouting, "look at me" from Instagram; this is small change in this area, I am speaking of the narcissism that dominates others by never having to look inside, take responsibility and understand that there is a better way to relate.  

In my mind and heart, there is nothing more sad than when emotions or love become weapons of war between people. Even in a standard "couple" relationship there exist 2 separate people, 2 separate beings, and each has the right to their own thoughts and lives, their own perspective and when one forcibly tries to bully another into action or agreement that goes against their will, this is nothing more than a lack of understanding and respect for another being. I see this sometimes in the "spiritual" world too; especially among self-appointed "spiritual teachers". Likewise, each of us has the responsibility to our own emotions, of ensuring that they do not become weapons to be used (and never apologized or taken responsibility for) against the other or another, and especially that our partners and friends do not become the dumping ground for all our emotional garbage or habitual negativity. I know people who believe themselves to be highly evolved beings who are always belittling others and putting all their emotional shit onto the people closest to them. It's also interesting to note in these cases how often the support characters change, and how they never live up to the high standards of the evolved ones, who then have nothing but bad things to say about their past helpers, partners, associates, family members, etc., you get the point, it is always the other who is at fault, always the other who is unstable. 

No matter who or what we believe ourselves to be, or can convince others we are; if our emotions habitually, regularly and consistently overflow with anger, violence, negativity, hatred, jealousy, and are targeted at others, often innocent, then we are not that....we are living in an illusion of who and what we are. It doesn’t matter if you are an ascended master from the Pleadies if you treat other humans as garbage and with little or no respect. The proof is in the pudding, in the behavior we exhibit, the responsibility we take and the effort we make not to cause havoc and harm or destroy that which is beautiful in our lives by thoughts, words, and deeds related to our unstable emotional relations and expressions. 

It is easier to excuse a child or an adolescent for adolescent behavior and poor emotional understanding than it is to excuse an adult. And rightly so, the benefit of years is that we have had the time to work on them, to understand them, to understand that we are NOT our emotions, and to see how it is our own responsibility to know how to use and choose them wisely. This is a good word to use, choose, for there is always a choice to express and manifest beautiful emotions as opposed to toxic ones, to learn how to bring harmony to our own lives by harmonizing our emotions. If we take into consideration the effect that they have on those we are closest to, those that love us enough to excuse our inadequacies and inconsistencies, then surely it is our obligation to work on these aspects of ourselves, if not for ourselves, then for the benefit of the others we claim to love. 

It seems simple from this point of view, no? I do not want my best friends and closest companions to become hurt by my poor management of my emotions, I want to live in peace and in beauty, both with myself and with others, and all my relations, and the best way I know how is to strip and clean my emotions, as I would those rifles I took care of so many years ago, getting to know every part of them; then to put them back together and wisely choose to never point them at another human being again.

Black Magic: A brief case study in energetic malpractice. 

We live in a world that is composed of energy. They say that where the attention goes, energy flows, and so it is. In many traditional healing practices (what have been collectively called shamanic) there is a belief in magic (with or without the K). Many contemporary cultures shy away from this belief, it being relegated to a thing of folklore and 'uneducated' or 'primitive' belief systems and structures. However, for those working within these structures, this can be a very real aspect of life, and part of a healer's job, to help those afflicted by magic, whether it be black, white, or any other colour of the spectrum. Certainly, in the healing practices of the Amazon region, this comes in many shades of grey. 

From my experience, this topic is real, can have profound and lasting effects, and can be quite challenging to comprehend. I say challenging, as often is the mind that does not quite allow for the understanding to sink in. For a mind that has grown up skeptical of such practices, to fully embrace this topic can be alien, to say the least; and yet, it is there, whether we can see it or not. One of the ways to navigate this subject without getting caught up in definitions and superstitious scaremongering is to break it down into its components, and to eliminate such generalisations as black and white, good and bad, or outright evil. This allows an image to form in which an objective distance is there, which allows for seeing and feeling to form with greater clarity. 

In the Amazonian healing practices magic comes in many ways, shapes and forms. A relatively simple example of this is the creation of a love spell or love potion; with the desired effect of causing someone to 'fall in love' with someone else. (Certainly this is not LOVE) Now, clearly in this example there is a certain degree of motivation, intention, and no small part of unconscious awareness being used to create something that will influence another to maybe do or engage with someone or something that they may not naturally be inclined to. The creation of this form of magic does not take into account the right to free will of another and inherently lacks respect for the other individual on every level. It is manipulation of another person's will, and an interference in their life, however, many who come into contact with this form of magic may not realise what is happening to them, certainly until it is too late. Love, and free will, are not things that 'should' be manipulated by one for their own benefit, they are inherent states of existence that are the sovereign right of every individual (in some belief structures). To gain another person's love or attention by witchcraft is one of the oldest tricks in the book, and common practice.  

I wrote earlier that there is an unconscious part in this equation; this unconsciousness coming from the fact that the person who wishes to influence the other may or may not realise that what they are doing is malpractice. They may not see that what they want may not be in the best interests of the person they wish to influence. They have their reasons, their story, and that is enough for them to set in motion a course of action that will have consequences for everyone involved. There can be many motivating factors for this to come into play; from desire - a story that has been created around an individual - to outright obsession. In any case, an energy (thought form) has been created which has an intensity that leads to action. In most cases, the individual who is obsessed, shall we say, will not have the necessary power to create the spell or the potion, so they will visit a shaman or 'healer' who can help with the process. 

Here we enter the world of shades of grey. With the use of certain practices, plants, etc. the shaman (we can call him or her a brujo /a) can assist with the bending of desired person's will. Now, while the person who employs the brujo may not realise what they are doing is wrong (for want of a better word), you would like to believe that the brujo does know this, but sadly in many cases, they also are operating in a world of ignorance. The deeper we delve into this subject the more obscure it becomes. So, we can break it down to energy again. An energetic form is created that seeks to confuse and confound, to manipulate and control. This energy is strong, neither good nor bad, simply neutral power used for obscure objectives. It is concentrated and directed, not unlike many of the energetic forms that are created in this world. Simply, in this case, there are other components involved than in standard thought forms. 

As I said, often we live in a world that does not understand magic. Which means that we cannot understand why or how it happens. In the case of the love spell, or the creation of a situation in which another is desired, there is a real sense of confusion in all ways. All parties involved are confused, either in their motivation, or what happens to them. A person who wishes to capture another's attention may do so from the belief that it is for the best for both parties involved, but the truth is that they are not even taking into account the other person, only the gratification of their own interests. Let's not be afraid to call it what it is, it is insidious and dangerous behavior which exhibits a degree of unconsciousness that is borderline psychopathic and narcissistic (or fully fledged). Whichever way we look at it, it is pure unconsciousness, and for that can be understood and forgiven (but not excused). The energy that is created in the mind is that of a mind that is uncontrolled, unaware, and unable to see clearly and objectively beyond its own story, stories, and desire. No matter how it is dressed up, it is a recipe for disaster. Love cannot be bought, love cannot be manipulated to exist, but an energy can be created that draws another individual into the trap. Now, you might ask what kind of individual would do such a thing? I leave that exploration for you to decide, and to draw your own conclusions. There is a tendency within the human mind to enter into fantasy and delusion, how far we choose to follow that story is up to us, whether we wish to engage with it, and for how long. 

Sadly, in the Amazon, and many other places I am sure, there are many stories of shaman and brujos acting as brokers in this equation or creating this kind of magic for their own benefit. People with power - using plants of power and practices of power, for their own benefit with scant regard for another person. This is obscurity, whether they realise they are acting from a dark place or not. It can be challenging to accept that there are such people that exist within the world of healing and medicine, far easier to accept the myopic belief that we live in a world of love and light, or worse still, that whatever happens, happens for a reason, so it must be good or at least ok, or meant to happen. Too often in this story, there is an ignorance that accepts without question things that should be questioned. If one is drawing another into their web of obscurity, ego-driven fantasy, and with no sense of responsibility or awareness of what they are truly doing, then this is not meant to happen, this is unwanted interference with the course or another person's life. Without a doubt, there are many that misuse power for their own benefit with NO awareness that what they are doing is in ANY way out of line. Whether it be for business interests, love interest, financial, prestige, these are the traps that lie on the path, and they require attention. They are indicators of an undeveloped awareness and an overdeveloped sense of ego / importance / desire for power. As I wrote previously, they are the exhibitions of a mind that cannot see what it is creating, or that what it is creating is not genuine or wholesome. And yet we live in a world, in all senses of the word, that supports this structure and thought form. We live in a world in which manipulation and enforced attraction have been built into the operating system, just look at the advertising industry. We live in a world in which what "I want" is often more important than what "you want", or what "we want", in which I do not care as long as my needs are met, at whatever cost, and I can uphold my self-image; a world in which unchecked desire is desirable. At whatever rung on the ladder we stand, there are choices that are unconscious or conscious. The degree of delusion that one suffers is the sole responsibility of each individual. In the case of love spells, for example, one is attempting to draw another into their drama, their own delusion, for their own benefit. It is the "I want" mentality, which is reinforced with the "And I will get, at whatever cost" byline. The fact it exists is no surprise, as it is one of the foundational aspects of an unconscious operating system, as real in the world of magic as it is in the world of the mundane. The difference being, in this case, that certain tools are used to which the world of the mundane does not have usual access, and that there are agents and agencies that can help with the process, for a fee. In the world of the mundane, then there are other roads that are walked, and the most extreme of these are illegal and in ideal circumstance lead to the guilty party being locked up for public safety and rehabilitated and re-educated before being released back into society.  

How far one can go in their own mind is up to each individual, how deep they want to go into fantasy and delusion, obsession, revenge, retribution, etc. This is the sole property of each and every individual. Amazonian witchcraft is not limited by any means to simple and effective love spells, and I hope I have made this clear, this is by no means limited to the Amazon. The same reasons for witchcraft to be used are the same reasons another may wish to harm or influence another in any place and in any walk of life. They are self-motivated, and obscured by dark emotions, jealousy, arrogance, a sense of entitlement (and un-accountability), anger, greed, etc. and all of these examples are unconscious acts, or acts of unconsciousness, that are acted out in a conscious (or semi-conscious) way. They are an indicator of the state of mind that does not seek to understand itself or its motivations and influences. Modern psychology has many names and labels for people who behave in such ways, and yet they are also part of the psyche to some degree, up to a certain point, and how far one goes with this is up to the individual. Sadly, we live in a world in which there are many people who hold themselves un-accountable, or not responsible for their mind, emotions, and the thought-forms and energy that they create.  

You could ask, why would someone wish to manipulate another? And yet, we see it all around us, every day. Small manipulations, medium manipulations, and huge manipulations; the fact is, that we choose, in many cases, to not see it for what it is. The use of witchcraft in 'primitive' systems or cultures is no different from what happens in 'developed' systems or cultures, it is real and tangible energy created and infused with intention. The obscurity in many cases comes from the lack of awareness of the true nature or motivation behind the creation and manifestation of the energy. Many who believe themselves to be acting from a place of light are in ignorance of the darkness. This can be confusing, as often those people can appear successful and charming and you might wonder how this could be the case, but energy is energy, and magic is magic, and dark magic and dark motivations can pay well, or reward those that use it. It is not easy to understand the logic of this, but it is the case. 

This scratch on the surface of this topic hopefully helps to understand the mechanism of the mind and the extent that it can be used or misused to create circumstance and situation that exert influence on another. If nothing else, it is a call to awareness. Certainly, love spells are basic, and potentially less harmful than other acts of witchcraft, but the motivation is no less obscure than actually wanting to cause physical harm, damage to life, or death, let's say. There is the inherent lack of respect that wishes to enforce something onto another, to alter the course of life by interference and manipulation, to act from egoic motivations with scant regard for the consequence of such actions. I would like to believe that the vast majority of people have enough self-awareness to not enter into these territories, but my beliefs may or may not be valid or true. When there is a genuine lack of transparency, or self-reflection or self-awareness, this will usually result in mismanagement of energy and power. The size of the infringement is not the determining factor, it is the mismanagement in the first place that requires attention, and the cultivation of a mind that is free from these delusions in the first place. I often reflect that there are 7 billion people living on this planet, each with their own operating system, their own set of 'beliefs' and reasons for it being this case, or the way it is. It is understandable that there can be confusion when there is so much confusion built into the design of this. But it is a topic that has touched my life in many ways, and one that I continue to learn from. The first time I encountered black magic I was a little shocked, to say the least, as it did not appear to be the case at first. From the perspective that looks beyond the label of magic or non-magic (muggle?), I can see that it is rife in the world. Lack of respect for other people, their right to free will, to choose for themselves, to honour another person's boundaries, concepts of correct behavior, correct mental process, correct emotional response, they all play into the equation. What one believes, how they see themselves, what they allow themselves to see about themselves also play into the equation. From 'leaders' to 'followers', who gives who the right to say they know what is best for another person, people, or nation? Power is a delicate topic, and one that requires serious enquiry as to not be misused, yet many who have acquired power have not made this enquiry and have little or no respect for what it entails. From the world of the shaman to the world of the businessman, this is applicable (and especially so in the case of the shaman-businessman / woman, in which image and business assets /clients are key components in the equation). Misuse of power is a perennial topic in these areas. In a society in which even our elected so-called 'leaders' lie to us, manipulate us, extort our energy and resources from us, is it any surprise that in many cases we do the same to each other, without awareness of what we are doing, and why? 

How can one free another from this system of unconsciousness and mental / emotional manipulation when they are themselves caught in the same traps? It is not possible, and yet, walking this path I have met a few who are in the business of trying to do exactly that. And people wonder why it doesn’t work? One of the greatest lessons I had to learn (and remind myself of frequently) is to not be caught in the drama of another person's mind, to refuse to engage with the story or trap of another person's ego, delusions, or confusions, no matter how real or insistent / appealing they may seem. Often there is a hook - in simple terms - I can say I feel it when I go to the local market, or shopping mall. There is an energy in that place that is targeted, intended to encourage people to spend money they do not necessarily want - or need - to spend, a promise of something that will be gratifying. But, make no mistake, it is a hook, primed and baited, it is a lure, a trap, and when I feel it energetically, well, it is tangible. How I respond is up to me. Can I respond with awareness, how much do I care about the energy I receive or the energy that I give? Where is my attention placed? Am I aware of the energies around me, or am I simply being pulled in a direction I have not made a choice to go in? These are all questions that have relevance for me, especially as today is market day in the small mountain town in which I reside.  

You might wonder, "How can these things be in the world of the medicines?", and you may be right to wonder. How? Surely the 'medicines' are there to heal, to help us to heal, and to teach correct usage and correct practice. However, this mildly naïve point of view has some gaping holes. When I began my enquiry into this world, I was blissfully naïve about this. I bought many of the illusions that were sold by the person and group that I met and only later realized that the illusions I had swallowed were poisonous to me and to all who fell into the trap. There was misrepresentation to a great degree, both on a personal level and in a professional level by members of the group, misuse and abuse of sex, power and money on subtle and obvious levels. There was a cavalier attitude that took no responsibility for what took place during ceremonies or after ceremonies. There was confusion and illusion, and non-transparency. This was not obvious to me, or many others, at first. The structure of the business was built on a lie, lie upon lie, sold with a glint in the eye. That the leader of the group told his lies was one thing, that the others involved upheld these lies for their own mutual benefit was another. That they all could see the abuse of sex, power, and money but chose not to do anything about it, as it served their own interests too, was also another. To be involved meant to be complicit. Many years ago, when I could swallow it no longer, I left, searching for another way to be. But like many others, this was my first initiation into this world, and it was not wholesome. Like most things, there was a light side and a dark side. 

Plants of power are plants of power. They can confer power to people. What people choose to do with it is up to them. How their mind works, who they are, what they stand for, truly, beyond the delusions of spiritual fantasy, and what they can make other people believe about themselves. The fact is, many people like this live in a bubble. They cannot see beyond themselves and do not keep people around who do not uphold their self-image. They go out of their way to create this environment and keep this in place. If someone challenges this, the their true colours come out for all to see. But there is secrecy, and non-transparency. 

With the use of plants of power comes heightened and amplified response processes, be they mental, emotional, or physical. In a ceremony, for example, how we pray, where our mind goes has a great effect not only on ourselves, but others who are not present too. Are we using these plants of power to think? To create more confusion? Is the 'medicine' telling us to do something, or are we daydreaming our fantasy world into being? Where is the line? In some circumstances there can be a lot of confusion around this topic, as how the medicine or plant is used is not clear, not clear to those who drink it, and not clear to those who serve it. Many these days are called to drink these plants, and many also called to serve it. Who decides? Well, in most cases they decide. Plants of power are being used way out of traditional context, by people with no education, no master, no instruction in proper practice, and this is, in my humble opinion, a scenario that can have its pitfalls. I mentioned this word non-accountability a few paragraphs earlier, and it is also true in this case. The person setting themselves up as a "medicine man /woman", may have some experience, but may also have no system in place or have ever had any system in place that helps to regulate them, educate them, or orient them in any direction. They may have 'good intentions', but we know where these can lead more often than not. In the case of the 'medicines', you know what I mean by this, it can be a case of "Where the attention goes, the energy flows" - one of the Amazonian medicines being called by early Western enthusiasts "Telepathine" because of its ability to create apparently telepathic bonds between people over vast distances. Now, consider this ability when employed by an obscure mind, a mind that wander, wonders, and grasps? A mind that is not healthy, a mind that is angry, seeks revenge, wants someone to love them. This opens up the pathway for us to see how these plants of power, and the power that they confer, temporarily, or otherwise, can be misused for personal reasons, personal benefit, and to spread confusion. The illusion that the plant will automatically ensure good and correct use is simply an illusion. The individual has the responsibility to ensure that; the plant may, or may not guide that process, for this reason the path to becoming a true healer, or true medicine man or woman was never easy, and required serious study, serious enquiry, and a very good teacher. Many people I have met along this path shun the need for a teacher in the real world, often throwing in new-age slogans as to why it is the case, that they, in particular need no teacher. "All wisdom is inside me", "We all have an inner shaman", "The medicine told me I don’t need one", "I have healed myself". In many cases, it’s a story, a potentially dangerous one, and one that comes from a place of insecurity and ignorance. So, we have people drawn to play shaman games with other people, other people's vulnerability, and place themselves into the position of 'spiritual teacher' or 'guide' with nothing to fall back on other that their own 'wisdom'. And who are these people? Who are they really? This, again, is a serious enquiry, and one that requires time and energy. Medicine can be used in many ways, and more often than not, good comes out of it, but what do we swallow in the process? Are we unconsciously absorbing the mental detritus of another human? Whose thought forms are we being influenced by, what level of obscurity are we being subjected to, and what belief systems are be being told while under the influence of powerful plants? 

While many of these concepts are tangible, they are also subject to interpretation and can seem somewhat abstract for a mind that is naturally skeptical of the deeper workings of 'magical' reality. For this I shall give an example. 

The Virote: Magical Dart of the Amazonian Shaman. 

In Amazonian shamanism, the magical dart, or viroteis a device that is used (more often than not) by dark shaman (brujos) to inflict hurt, sickness, or death upon their intended victim. In layman's' terms, it is similar to how one may feel when one experiences the sensation that someone has 'stabbed them in the back'. This idiom is a physical manifestation of something that has not happened physically. Interestingly, idioms can often have this age-old wisdom incorporated into them. Take other examples, for example, to describe someone or something as being a "thorn in the side", or a "pain in the neck".  

The viroteis sent towards the intended victim with intention, with a certain degree of malevolence, depending on the seriousness of the intended harm and the power of the person using it. This, again, is real and tangible, yet can be challenging to accept, and I realise that in these terms so far, all I am doing is describing something that is a concept. So, in order to help explain, I shall enter into the world of my personal experience. 

The first time I was hit by a virote was towards the beginning of a ceremony in 2013. All seemed well, smooth, and all of a sudden, I felt myself hit in my left side, just under my ribcage by something sharp and forceful. The impact of the blow nearly knocked me off my chair. This was not a perception, but an actual event. I felt myself rocked back, literally, by the impact. Others in the ceremony saw the reaction of my body. It was akin to how one may react when hit by a high-impact object such as an arrow. The immediate effects, once I had gained stability, were confusion and a sense of malevolent presence. Somehow, I knew what had happened and over the course of the next hours I was able to discern who had done it. My stability was off for the rest of the ceremony, my energy diffused and although I was able to complete the work for the evening, I was not myself, or my best self. Over the course of the next days, my physical condition weakened gradually, my concentration evaporating, and a sense of dis-ease and discomfort began to pervade my system. I did not know what to do about it. To cut a long story short, this persisted for several months. Nothing seemed to be going right, everything seemed to be off, myself included. I came to realise who had done this, and why. After some months of confusion and not being able to fix the situation myself, I returned to the Peruvian Amazon to visit my teacher. I explained what had taken place to him, and he listened, nodded, described what had happened, and helped me to remove the dart, and remove the effects of the poison from my system. This began a chapter of my learning that had exclusively to do with the dark arts, the side of shamanism that people often choose to ignore, or to deny the existence of. The next months were much to do with the topic of black magic. I cannot pretend it did not inspire fear in me at first, but Don Javier, in his usual light-hearted (yet deadly-serious) manner encouraged me to view it as a part of the 'reality' that could not be ignored, a bread-and-butter occurrence in the part of the world where he lives. These months we spent much time exploring the subject, and the reasons that a brujo may be employed to damage the lives of another person. It is one thing to clear the effects of brujeria, to remove it from the life of a person, another to isolate who is doing it, and why. These kind of go hand in hand, but in many cases, the brujo themselves will know they are being investigated and given the dark nature of their nature, this can cause them to retaliate further or go deeper into hiding. I will be clear, the intention of our investigations was never to hunt them down, to cause harm in return. This is the golden rule that separates the healer-shaman from the brujo. Even when the temptation arises to do something about it, to act as policeman or judge, to return what was sent, this impulse must be overridden if one is to truly rise above the situation of revenge, retaliation, and recrimination. When dealing with a being who lives in obscurity, the answer is never to sink to their level, no matter how challenging that may be. It may be easy to say, to think, but in many cases, it is not easy to do - especially when things have become personal. (Say in my case, when this was not an attack made by someone else via a brujo, who himself acted from a neutral (if obscure) viewpoint, but a person who acted with violence from his own personal motivation). Neither can we brush it off and 'turn the other cheek', not to those who would wish us harm. But, the golden rule of a healer is to do no harm, and I thank this person for teaching me the importance of this lesson. In each and every case that I have encountered along the way, there has been the reminder of this lesson. Even when it feels like I may be losing a 'battle' because of my refusal to meet fire with fire, or retaliate, I remind myself that not all 'battles' are worth fighting, and that by sinking to the level of the brujo, then I myself become that very thing that I know I am not. Refusal to fight is not the same as refusing to protect oneself. They are two very different things, and this needs clarification, as in many cases this is what the brujo wishes. It is a form of domination, manipulation, and weakening. But to stand in one's power, taking responsibility to defend oneself, life, and those they love is another position, one that requires stability and courage. The brujo cannot break this will once it is set, and if one learns how to protect themselves, then this matter is closed. There are many ways to achieve this, and these are dependent on circumstance. However, the obstacle is to rise above the primitive and perfectly natural desire to send back the black magic to where it came, with a little extra force for good measure. In some of the cases I have encountered and lived, the brujo is a weak creature who does not wish to be exposed, and he feeds off shadows. This is not true in all cases, and in all cases the brujo or bruja will have gained some power from somewhere to enable them to be able to do what they do. A certain degree of understanding can be allowed to these persons, and compassion for who and what they are. To be a person who lives shrouded in obscurity, themselves often not being aware of this fact, is not a position I would wish anyone to live in. This compassion does not mean that they cannot be held accountable, or exposed, or moved away from, simply that it helps to foster an understanding of who and why they are what they are.  

Nowadays, with the lack of adequate training in these healing arts, there are more people with some degree of power who have not learned to manage it properly, who have not met these challenges and had to make a conscious choice as to how they will operate. Into the equation there are many free-agents who do as they will, without consciousness of what they are doing or awareness of their deeper motivations. Those corrupted by money, sex, and power will often fall into the trap of becoming a brujo without ever realizing it. Those who feel aggrieved will often retaliate without realizing they are doing it, and those who feel they have a right to be what they want to be will often meet any perceived challenge to their reality with an obscure reaction, especially if it threatens their business or delicate ego-structure. The purpose of a teacher is not only to teach technique, or guide one along the path, it is also there to ensure a certain degree of awareness and to ensure that one does not fall into the traps that are hidden along the path, for there are many. They say that there are two paths one can walk; the easy one: with short-cuts leads one to becoming a brujo, the challenging one, the difficult one, leads one to becoming a healer. I have seen these paths, and seen those decisions inside of my life, and reflected in the lives of some I have met and walked alongside for a while. I have seen some 'friends' take the easy route and have seen what it has made them. I have seen other friends stumble and pick themselves up, reorient themselves, and enter a new stage. Nothing is absolute, unless one wishes it to be. It all depends on where you want to get to. To be a brujo, does not automatically mean one will kill or harm, or take money to do so. It can be a successful path, maybe far more so, superficially, than that of a healer. It may bring more money, fame, success, whatever is desired, as with the power, the desires can be manifested. These things may come quicker for the brujo than for the healer, but in the reality, these things may not be of much interest to the genuine healer, as his or her learning curve will have taken them beyond the desires to be somebody, to be fascinated with money, sex, and power. I have met many who are 'successful' outwardly who are not 'successful' internally. I have met many who are able to generate the finances they wish through their 'healing' practice who have no idea of what to do with it, or how to put it into service. And, each to their own, it is not my place to judge, but I do allow myself an opinion. 

As I mentioned, these days, it is enough for someone to use medicine a few times to decide to set themselves up as a commercial healer or shaman (a), and avail themselves of all the egoic gratification that can convey, especially in a 'western' society that has no idea of what the path is, or that there even is one, or what to be a healer or shaman truly means. For many in the 'west' a shaman or healer is, again, more of a theoretical concept than an experienced reality. It is a construct of the imagination created from movies, books, and no small measure of Google searches. So, the pill is somehow easier for us to swallow when it is shrouded in smoke and mirrors.  

This 'scene' repeats itself all over the world. When one's true motivations are hidden even from oneself, then it is a case of the blind leading the blind. Let's not beat around the bush any longer, how can one who is trapped in obscurity lead another person to the light? It doesn’t matter how many white clothes they own, how good they are at telling people their 'stories', of how much they have 'healed', how much "work they have done on themselves', how 'joyful and loving' they are, how 'spiritually evolved' they are if they are walking around in a labyrinth of the their own self-deception. This leads other people into that labyrinth, and the sad fact is, that without adequate guidance or awareness, this is commonplace. The façade is convincing, the product being sold is appealing, the illusion, alluring. And yet, it is a lie, and one that comes at a great cost for those who are sucked into the story. They are the flies caught in the web of the spider and it takes great energy or good fortune to be able to escape that trap once you are caught. Trust me, I have met a few spiders in my time. But whatever they catch is only food for them, to be sucked completely and totally dry, in time.  

My empathy goes out to those who operate in this way without awareness of what they are doing, and my greater empathy to those who are trapped in the delusions of these creatures, with my prayer that they find a way to end this story once and for all, to learn the lesson well, and to find those who are true, who offer something real that can bring benefit to their life. Once this lesson is learned, it is not one that many will want to learn again. 

I could continue on this topic for some time, as I have had several incidents with brujos in my life, however, I shall leave it here for now. Suffice to say, that it is no surprise that there are more brujos than healers, more who walk the middle ground than those who walk the true path. It is easier, there are fewer guides, it takes less time and less work in general before reaping the rewards. Not all are 'evil', or 'bad', or intentionally so. Many can also do some good work along the way, but I would prefer to not engage with them. The majority walk a line that is both 'good' and 'bad', 'light' and 'dark'. This is not saying that they are in awareness of both - or that it is a positive step - simply that they live in the grey area, with access to both sides. This does not make them stronger, or more capable, but makes them more dangerous, as they have not made the decision on where they stand, or what for. Their motivations are obscure, and as such, so are their actions and reactions. The sad fact of the reality is that many will have once aspired to be a healer, but did not have the ability or guidance, and so resort to telling people that they are such and such, and so and so, and relying heavily on people buying into the story. To be a 'shaman' does not imply any sense of light or dark, good or bad, it does not guarantee integrity in any way, shape or form. It is an ambiguous title and more often than not, position. In this field, there can be no denial of all parts of the spectrum. The decision on what one wants to do with this is solely down to, or up to, the consciousness of each individual. It is a murky world, both in the everyday reality and the magical reality. What we see are reflections of each other.  

And, so, I can only share some of what I can from my own experience with the hope that it sheds a tiny particle of light on the subject, that hopefully it sparks an awareness of what is out there, and what can be avoided. Sadly, often, we take what we can, what is available to us, and at face value; and our knowledge and education on such matters is woefully inadequate. I pray we all step deeper into respect for ourselves and the others who surround us, and, importantly, for our life and what we subject ourselves to. 

*I shall add, as an afterthought, that some of the worst, or most heinous examples of black magic, or misuse of power / medicines, happen as an act of complete unconsciousness or lack of awareness of what is being done. In these cases, the proponent is so blissfully unaware of what they are doing, with their thought-forms or actions, that they are acting from total obscurity. If obscurity is a synonym for darkness, this is the most total act of dark magic, by definition. It is not malevolent per se, but it is deeply misaligned with any principle of self-awareness or self-responsibility. It is pure unconsciousness. I cannot stress enough how profound, and profoundly prevalent this topic is, and how so many are operating from this position. My heart goes out to these poor individuals who are mired in their own delusions. It is all I can do, I cannot fix them, or make anyone see what they do not want to see.