...icaro: the art and science of sacred song...

Icaros are the traditional songs that South American 'vegetalista' healers use in their ceremonies. There are various types. There are icaros to call the spirits of plants, to call protective spirits; there are also those that invoke the spirit of an animal, vegetable or mineral, or any form of natural entity... Icaros reveal themselves almost always during ‘dietas’ and they demand a high price in effort, austerities or fasts in order for them to have true power or capacity to heal. ”

— Alonso del Rio - from the book, Tawantinsuyo 5.0

Icaros are the sacred healing songs of the curandero or healer in one of the South American healing traditions. They are profound sacred songs which are considered medicine in their own right. The art and science of the icaro is very complex, although to the untrained  ear they can appear deceptively simple. This is not just singing, there are key core elements that must be in place in order for them to be effective. In this workshop we will explore the realm of the icaro, within its traditional context and as it travels the world into more modern settings.

We shall examine the elements that comprise the icaro and learn how to use them in a way that is honest, humble and true. This workshop is designed to allow all to explore their voice and to receive the medicine of the icaros that are taught into their lives, to experience the healing vibration and to understand how this vibration is transmitted. It is my honour to be able to teach this class and share my understanding in this way. The workshop involves some level of concentration, some willingness to sing and to learn, and some permission to the self to have fun in the process. No previous experience of  voice work is necessary to attend this class. :) 

Please not that this class or any sequence of classes does not come with permission or blessing to share these songs in any ceremonial setting, this is not a training course.

This class - or classes if required - can be held via Skype or Zoom video. Please use the contact form to be in touch.